
The primary function for performing deconvolution is {func}~pycudadecon.decon.

This convenience function is capable of receiving a variety of input types (filenames, directory names, numpy arrays, or a list of any of those) and will handle setting up and breaking down the FFT plan on the GPU for all files being deconvolved. Keywords arguments will be passed internally to the {class}~pycudadecon.RLContext context manager or the {func}~pycudadecon.make_otf {func}~pycudadecon.rl_decon functions.

The setup and breakdown for the GPU-deconvolution can also be performed manually:

  1. call {func}~pycudadecon.rl_init with the shape of the raw data and path to OTF file.
  2. perform deconvolution(s) with {func}~pycudadecon.rl_decon.
  3. cleanup with {func}~pycudadecon.rl_cleanup

As a convenience, the {class}~pycudadecon.RLContext context manager will perform the setup and breakdown automatically:

data = tiffile.imread('some_file.tif') otf = 'path_to_otf.tif' with
RLContext(data.shape, otf) as ctx:
    result = rl_decon(data, output_shape=ctx.out_shape)


.. automodule:: pycudadecon
    :members: decon, rl_init, rl_decon,  RLContext, rl_cleanup